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Celebration of the 150th anniversary of the School foundation

They did 800 kilometres by bikes to take part in the celebrations of the glass school.

Eight enthusiasts from a partner town Rheinbach (Germany) left on Wednesday August 30, 2006 for a long way by bikes to Kamenický Šenov. In the tour also the mayor of Rheinbach, Mr. Stefan Raetz participated. The whole length was totally 800 km and they had 9 days to do it. The route crossed Eisenach and Dresden and went to Hřensko. In Hřensko they crossed the border by ferriage. There they met byciclists from Kamenický Šenov who accompanied them via Jetřichovice and Česká Kamenice to Kamenický Šenov. Their arrival to the square of Kamenický Šenov was planned to 4 p.m. In that time a reconstructed fountain in the T.G.Masaryk square was taken festively into operation.